Sunday 28 October 2012

Music Matters

Music Matters!   Normally I listen to a sports radio station interspersed with news on my 2 hour commute each day.  Recently however I have been turning it down because it irritated me, to then switching to a local music station with ads (the ads irritate me).  The change has been interesting to reflect on.  

I have become more enthusiastic, pumped up and ready to start my day.  I have tracks which I identify to and share with my nearest and dearest.  It has helped developed bonds, open up conversations with a wide range of people throughout my day and put me in a positive space.

When I was younger I was really into my music but as parental and job responsibilities took over the music decreased.  However my daughter and I have always shared music and singing in the car and we have many musical memories - very precious.

When deciding what music to walk down the aisle to we all discussed this and came up with Match of the Day, maybe not everyone's taste to walk down the aisle to but appropriate for me and mine and a talking point for others for all of time.

I have a song that was playing as I went to be interviewed for my current job and which continues to be my inspiration and anthem and which I turn to when days are tough and long.  I have a coming home on Friday song which at the moment I sing badly and forget the words to but one which is instantly recognisable as I come down the quiet street where I live and it pounds away signalling the start of the weekend.  There is music for every emotion and which you can turn to to celebrate, to get you through you hard times or just to give you thinking time.

Music maketh man or woman in this case and on this morning I am luxuriating in some Spotify space and listening to Emile Sande, Lawson, Lady Antyebellum, Gueta and then I will wallow in my before years of Elvis Costelloe, Flock of Seagulls, Prince, the list is endless, the mind is unwinding and motivating at the same time.  

So to me Music Matters and Maketh Me!