Saturday 18 August 2012

Simple Sanctury

I have lived in a few houses, in each there has been a room I have particularly liked.  You need a space if you can to call your own, a sanctuary that restores sanity.

In our last house before this one it was the lounge - large windows to the front and a small, yet tall window to the side.  This enabled me to lie on the sofa when looking for sanctuary for the sole and gaze at the clouds. 

 In this house, we have been here four and a half years.  My space has been firstly on the landing over one side of the house, and when I worked on a Sunday the bells pealed from the church and clouds scudded past the small window.  That was a small sanctuary space, however my favourite room at that time was the dining room, and indeed was the first room to be finished.  Subsequently my life changed and an office in the garden was built.

The office was my sanctuary, I spent most of my life in there with the cats, had my pictures and everything I required and could gaze out across the garden and be at one with the elements and again watch the clouds, the seasons change and be at one with myself.  At night whilst working the stars twinkled through and on fireworks nights it was a spectacle to cherish.

Life never stands still so another change, and the house changes too.  The space at the top of the house is requisitioned as a bedroom.  With it's cream walls, high ceilings and huge arches of beams.  With two windows to the back of the house- on a level with the clouds and on gazing out views for miles.  The window to the front, with the noise from the street, this room has now become my new sanctuary.

As you venture upwards, ducking your head and  squeezing up the narrow staircase, with a ships rope as a bannister,  you feel the day slipping away.  You are on your own high altitude, with only your own attitude.  You look outward to a setting sun and become one. 

After a few weeks sourcing the relevant pictures, candle holders and accessories, themed to reflect the passions ie New York, the beach, hearts in different configurations, candle holders, large vase full of scented lilies whose fragrance fills the space and I can lie on the bed, gaze at the clouds and forget for a while, the day to day minutiae which frustrate and reflect on the small successes that we all work hard to achieve and  now the room has become.........

Simple Sanctuary.

It takes time to realise you need your own space, your own thoughts, your own mind, to be at one with being  one and to enjoy your own company and balance this with good friends and family who keep you grounded, give you other points of view be there to laugh with you and pick you up and of course the simple sanctuary.

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